
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My GO TO Balenciaga black RH work

OK, so I started out with a regular hardware black agneau 09 work which I loved...until I received my 07 black GGH city and found that the black leather from 07 was a DREAM. It is chevre leather, softer, chewier and so slouchy. So...I sold off my 09 for an 07 and it was a great decision! This bag is the perfect mommy hold a ton, yet it's light as a FEATHER!
my 09 modeled by my gorgeous daughter!

09 work

07 work..deep jet black and slouchy

chevre leather

me wearing my 09


  1. trying to find this online, only found one on ebay, sounds like not great condition. If you ever decide to sell yours, PLEASE let me know! i'm a momma too and want to make my first balenciaga purchase :) thanks!

  2. I sold it because in the end I thought the work just looked too big on me:))
